A guide to battery and coil safety
Our comprehensive guide for batteries and coils will enable you to handle your vaping equipment in the safest way possible.
One of the big headlines about the vaping industry is the safety of the equipment. There are many experienced vapers that know how to safely use batteries with the various types of mods. However, for those new to the world of vaping, practicing battery safety is something that needs to be made a priority. Vape shops should always take care to ensure their customers are fully informed about proper battery safety.
Unfortunately, when an incident occurs to a vaper who hasn't properly handled their equipment, it is usually broadcast across the media. Research studies are proving more and more positives about vaping, so the media needs new ways to portray the negative view; the current negative is e-cigarette batteries exploding.
In reality, there has been a tiny percentage of battery accident compared to the number of products that are out there. In almost all cases those incidents relate to unregulated equipment which should not be used by anyone who is not competent in ohms law and the risks involved. Yet, every time an incident occurs, the story spreads like wildfire, causing people to assume that vaping is a dangerous hobby.
We're here to reassure you that the proper handling, storage and maintenance of your vape devices removes the chance of anything happening that could put you, or the people around you at risk. Whether your are an experienced sub-ohmer with a multitude of mods, or a vaping convert with a starter kit, please ensure that you practice proper battery safety!
Caring for replaceable batteries (cells)
We would always advise that a battery cover or holder is used when transporting loose batteries to prevent them from touching each other, or other metallic items.
Make sure that your batteries are inserted the correct way to avoid them venting. Even if your mod features reverse polarity protection, pay attention that the batteries don't go in backwards.
When charging your battery, check back regularly to see if it has finished. As soon as charging is complete, remove from the charger. Batteries should always be charged on a fireproof surface, and should not be left unattended or to charge overnight.
The chemicals contained within the battery should never be exposed to extreme temperatures so keep it at room temperature - and definitely keep it away from fire! Also, check for damage/denting regularly and do not use if any is found.
Use special caution when working with rechargeable Lithium Ion cells and make sure you have enough knowledge of Li-Ion batteries in charging, discharging and assembly before use.

If you want your Li-Ion battery to last, don't let it empty completely. These batteries do not need to be discharged all the way to prolong their life in the same way that Nickel based cells do. Instead, get into the habit of recharging before the low battery indicator shows on the mod.
You can also extend the life of the battery by staying above 2.5V. Dropping below 2.0V leads to metal being plated inside the battery which can lead to a short circuit, or possible bursting. Bear in mind that this is the resting voltage, not the voltage 'under load' that the battery drops to when used.
If you do happen to discharge your battery below 2.0V, you should charge immediately at the slowest rate your charger will allow. Once it gets above 3.0V, you can switch back to normal charging rate.
If the battery has been at 2.0V for a while then, the chances are it is damaged. Trying to charge or use at this point may lead to a short circuit.
You should allow the cell to cool to room temperature when you remove it from your mod before attempting to charge it. Also, never use a trickle charger with this type of battery as the continuous holding of the battery at trickle charge voltage will damage it.
All devices used with rechargeable Lithium Ion IMR batteries should have an amp limit of 20A or higher. Using other batteries can be potentially hazardous.
If you start to get battery alerts from your mod earlier than before, it doesn't hit as hard, or it gets warmer during use, it may be time to replace the cell. We are happy to check battery levels to ensure that they are past their best. We will also dispose of them responsibly for you. Please don't ever put a battery in the bin!
Rebuildable atomiser coils and wicks
Rebuildables have known risks and are for experts, not average or beginner vapers with no multimeter or knowledge of how to or when a meter must be used, or how electronic devices work. These materials cannot safely be used by the inexperienced or those without basic knowledge of electronics.
This is for a number of reasons:
1. A rebuildable coil / wick MUST be tested carefully with a meter before it is used.
2. If it is not tested it is entirely the risk of the user.
3. Faulty wicks / coils WILL blow electronic devices.
4. New coil / wick units must be tested and then used first on a strong basic mod that has short circuit protection or better still a testing rig.
5. No new coil / wick assembly should be used on an electronic device until known to be safe.
6. These items destroy electronic devices if faulty. This is a known issue.
Sub-ohm tanks
Sub-ohm tanks and sub-ohm resistance coils should only be used by experienced users. Extra safety precautions should be practiced when using a sub ohm tank. Sub-ohm tanks will only work on a mechanical or a regulated mod capable of firing sub ohm atomisers and coils.
For example, if you have a 0.2ohm coil, your mod must be able to fire atomisers of 0.2ohm or lower. You must also ensure that your batteries can handle sub ohm atomisers and coils. If you're using a regulated mod, make sure it can handle the amps. Improper use can lead to injury or damage. Use the OHMS LAW CALCULATOR, CHECK YOUR AMPS, and be safe.
Tip for new users:
We strongly suggest 6mg e-liquid or lower with sub-ohm resistance atomisers. Sub-ohm atomisers produce a higher throat hit than low and standard resistance atomisers. Using this atomiser with a nicotine level above 6mg will usually taste burnt or harsh.
Please vape responsibly
Please have a basic understanding of the kit you are using and how to care for it properly. We are here to help you and we want to be sure that you know how to get the best from your vaping equipment. However, Vape UK cannot be held responsible for damage if there is any modification to the kit we supply, including battery wraps/markings. We are also not responsible for any damage caused by misuse or mishandling of Li-Ion batteries and chargers.